"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread..." ~ John Muir


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Landscape; Seascape; Still Life; and Portraiture; my work covers a wide range of subject matter.  I paint almost daily, and at any given time have a large body of work for viewing and for purchase.  I use a variety of mediums: Acrylic; Watercolor; Oil Pastel; and Pencil.   And though I usually work in one medium at a time, I also enjoy combining mediums for additional interest.  Experimenting with new methods of application is a never-ending source of artistic discovery.


Commission Work begins with good communications between Artist and Client; understanding what is foremost in one's heart and mind will determine the success of the commissioned painting.  I thoroughly enjoy these communications, as the product of our combined ideas makes for a unique and beautiful work of Art. You can see SAMPLES of Commission work in my Gallery.