" Art, like Science or Technology makes no progress unless the artist acts on the question, 'what if...?' " -Karen Cohen
EXHIBITIONS: Current and Past
•CORNERS Picture Framing - Campbell River, BC ~ Rotating Display
•April Member's Show Campbell River Art Gallery
Winner of People's choice Award
•April - Small Works Show - TOSH, Qualicum Beach, BC
•June - Campbell River Garden Glub Tea and Art Show
•July - Qualicum Beach, BC - Grand Prix d' Art 3 hour Plein Air Competition
Subsequent Painting on Display in the TOSH 2016 Art Calendar
•August - Pearl Ellis Member's Show
3rd Runner-up People's Choice
•November - Serious Coffee, Willow Point, Campbell River, BC
•Nov.-Dec. -Campbell River Art Gallery Christmas Sale
•Decmeber -Campbell River Maritime Heritage Museum Christmas Show and Sale
•"Nature's Spirit in Color and Passion" February 3 - 23 ~ TOSH -
The Old School House - Qualicum Beach, BC Opening: February 5th, 7pm
•Member's Show Campbell River Art Gallery
•Member's Show, Campbell River, BC Art Gallery March
•Comox Recreation Centre - Satalite Cases - Comox BC
•Sybil Andrews Cottage, Canada Day Celebrations - showing with the Seaside Painters, in Willow Point, south of Campbell River, BC.
•Pearl Ellis Gallery: June 18th - July 7th ~ People's Choice Awards Show; Comox, BC.
•Pearl Ellis Gallery: "Landscapes - As we see them" Showing with Susan Schaefer August
•TOSH - Qualicum Beach Old School House - Gift Shop Display
•Pearl Ellis Gallery: March
•Sybil Andrews Cottage, Canada Day Celebrations - showing with the Seaside Painters, in Willow Point, south of Campbell River, BC.
•Member's Show, Campbell River, BC Art Gallery March
•Pearl Ellis Gallery: June 18th - July 7th ~ People's Choice Awards Show; Comox, BC.
•Pearl Ellis Gallery: July 13th, Aug. 3rd - Demonstrations "On the Patio" Comox, BC.
•Campbell River Arts Fest July 27th ~Over 100 Artists! See Jill and Carole's booth near the Tidemark Theatre... Demonstrations during the day as well!
•TOSH - The Old School House - Member's Show- Qualicum Beach, BC
•Pearl Ellis Gallery: Sept. 17th - Oct. 6th Member's Anniversary Show Comox, BC
•Tidemark Theatre: Fall 2013 - Two Woman Art Show: Jill Paris Rody and Carole Goodwin ~ The Color and Passion of Nature; Campbell River, BC
•Pearl Ellis Gallery: Dec. 10th - Jan. 26th Member's Fundraisers Show, Comox, BC
•Artist in Residence - Still Water Books and Art, Campbell River, BC
•June 26 - July 10 Sybil Andrews Cottage, Willow Point (Campbell River)
•July 28th - Campbell River Arts Fest (Campbell River)
•October 2 - 21 Pearl Ellis Art Gallery, Comox, BC - Two Woman Show
•Artist in Residence - Still Water Books and Art, Campbell River, BC
•January - April: Quinsam Medical Group, Campbell River, BC - 20 paintings
•March - Members Show - Campbell River Art Gallery
•July 1 - 3, Sybil Andrews Cottage, Willow Point (Campbell River)
•Sept. 10th - Show and Painting demonstration -
sponsored by Pearl Ellis Gallery, Comox - Comox Mall, Comox, BC
•Sept. 29th - Oct. 15th - Group Showing - Seaside Painters at the Tidemark Theatre, Campbell River, BC
• all of 2010 - Sybil Andrews Cottage - "Cottage Life inside and out" - Campbell River Arts Council -
•January 12-30 - Member's show - Pearl Ellis Gallery - Comox, BC
• June - Member's Show - Campbell River Art Gallery
• July 9th - Aug. 6th Campbell River Art Gallery -Local Views (Show and Sale)
• Campbell River Arts Council Member's Show
•July 27 - Aug. 17, Tidemark Theatre - Campbell River - Members of Sybil Andrews Cottage.
•November 10th - 30th- 2 Woman Show - "Farmland to Florals" Tidemark Theatre, Campbell River, BC
•all of 2009 - Sybil Andrews Cottage - "Cottage Life inside and out" - Campbell River Arts Council -
•May 29th - June 26th - Campbell River Art Gallery - 27th Member's Show
•June 24nd - July 7th - Campbell River Arts Council Member's Show
•July 4-5, '09 - Campbell River Garden and Art Show - On location in Gardens around Campbell River.
•July 19th - Annual Market Day Show - Campbell River Sunday Market
•Nov. 4th - 30th 2009 - Cambell River Tidemark Theatre - Showing of works by the Sybil Andrews Cottage Painters of which Jill is a member.
•Nov. 18th - -Stillwater Books and Art Campbell River, BC - Jill is delighted to hold the title of "Artist in Residence." On Wednesday Evening The store will host an OPEN HOUSE; come to see and hear of the 40+ years Jill has been involved with Fine Art.
June, 2008 Campbell River Art Gallery - 26th Annual Member's Show
July, 2008 Campbell River Arts Council Member's Show
Nov. 2008 Home Studio Open House
Dec. 2008 Campbell River Art Gallery Christmas Show and Sale
Nov. 2006 Home Studio Open House
For more information regarding any of these showings, please contact me.